StarTab is currently in beta. Version 1.0 is scheduled for launch in late 2020.

StarTab Rewards

A multi-platform payments and rewards application built specifically for microbreweries. Provide a Starbucks level digital customer experience without writing a line of code.

Who are you?

Designed For Microbreweries

White label rewards systems aren't new. StarTab is special because it's custom built for a specific domain, microbreweries. Want to do something simple like giving your customers a BOGO for their favorite type of beer based on historical data. StarTab can do that out of the box. None of our competitors can say that.

What's more, because anonymized rewards usage and purchase data is stored securely on StarTab's servers, brewery specific business decisions like what to brew next can now be based on facts.

Payments & Tabs

Allow your customers to seemlessly open and close tabs from the palm of their hand. StarTab can automatically settle tabs for customers and bartenders, open and close a tab based on geolocation, and let customers specify, by picture, exactly who is allowed to use their tab.

What's cooler than automatically opening and closing a tab based on your location? Having a beer waiting for you when you walk in the door. With StarTab's order ahead feature customers can pre-order their first round, and to keep everything above board, pre-order payments are held in escrow until the bar tender checks IDs and completes the order in the app.

Custom Rewards

Send rewards to customers directly in the app. Plus, StarTab's anonymized reward targeting system allows breweries to send extremely relevant rewards to specific customer subsets without compromising on privacy.

Want a besoke points system? StarTab's powerful web portal makes setting up such a system easy while maintaining the flexibility to implement complex logic like reward tiers and point based promos.

Sounding good?
Add StarTab to your bar or brew hall.

StarTab is still under development.

Sign up to get notified when version 1.0 launches.

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